What’s in a Name?

I put a lot of thought into what I should call this blog. After all, it’s the first thing someone hears about my site and can help make or break a first impression. So why did I choose Sweetbriar Letters?

Once I had outlined the idea of my blog, pinned down the main topics I wanted to write about, and had defined their underlying theme of simplicity, I toyed around with name ideas for nearly a week. Even though I wasn’t sure exactly what I was looking for, none of them seemed quite right. Then I did some research on objects that symbolize simplicity, hoping that something would strike a chord with me. Which it did! One of the top results was the sweetbriar flower. It is a delicate little pink flower native to Europe and Asia, and because of its cute name and connection to my blog topic, I decided to use it.

Then I was considering what else I should include in my title since sweetbriar was nice, but it wasn’t complete.

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am a sucker for letter writing. I find it nostalgic and therapeutic, which I talk about more in my About this Blog and Me page. Seeing as letter writing is near and dear to my heart and has numerous connections to history and simplicity both, I thought Sweetbriar Letters was a name that fit my topic as well as showcased the mood of this blog.

Welcome to Sweetbriar Letters!

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