About This Blog and Me

About This Blog and Me

Dear friends,

My name is Kayla and I am a 23-year-old college student from Seattle, Washington. I decided to start this blog as a resource for anyone who may be searching for a simpler way to live in this busy modern world.

I am studying history with an emphasis in western European history. Learning about historical lifestyles has made me especially aware of how fast-paced our lives are today. Our phones keep us constantly updated on what’s happening in the world and the media encourages us to look for new things to buy. We are constantly busy with a seemingly never-ending to-do list that gives us no mental rest or time to recoup. It’s no wonder everyone feels perpetually tired and stretched thin!

I’ve noticed my personal stresses that come from being a modern world citizen, so I make conscious efforts to minimize the amount of clutter (physical and emotional) in my own life. I don’t believe that anyone’s stress levels, mental health status, or number of belongings should be dictated by the outside influences of the world. In studying history and the lives of those who lived without these modern influences, I’ve noticed patterns of coping with stress that were practiced before any of us were even born.

My favorite is letter writing.

In keeping with this love of mine, this blog is laid out in the form of letters – a means of communication that takes time, is meditative, and which I believe should be given more attention in this wild modern world of ours. (Not many people get as excited about finding emails in their inbox as they do about finding a handwritten letter in their mailbox.)

In this blog I’ll discuss tips and tricks for organization and simplification of our physical belongings, use of technology, and even the mental clutter we all carry. My overarching goal is to encourage people to customize a life for themselves that incorporates the elements of peace, mindfulness, and clarity that come from a life of simplicity.

I hope you’ll find what you need in order to create your own lifestyle of simplicity within this complicated world. It can be a tricky balance to find, but I have found it to be worth every effort.



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