3 Things You Can Get Rid of Right Now

3 Things You Can Get Rid of Right Now

Dear friends,

Some people, myself included, are naturally inclined toward the concept of minimalism. The idea of owning a lot of things sounds complicated and unnecessarily stressful to me. On the other hand, when some people hear the word minimalism they want to run and hide.

I have plenty of friends for whom minimalism seems like the more stressful option!

But I don’t think minimalism needs to be a stressful topic. This post is for those who want to own less things but aren’t sure how to go about it as well as those who would already consider themselves minimalists and are simply looking for some inspiration.

Here are three things you have that you can get rid of right now!

  1. Jewelry – Rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings are small but they take up space. I personally prefer silver jewelry because it matches more of my clothes and style choices. What I’ve done is gone through my jewelry and gotten rid of things that didn’t match the rest of my closet and/or things I hadn’t worn in at least two months. Not only did this free up space but it also made choosing my accessories in the morning easier because my options were slimmed down to only the things I actually liked!
  2. Shoes – Shoes are tricky. I have shoes for every occasion but still have only a minimal amount. Consolidation is the key (for shoes and all things). Choose ones that you can wear for multiple occasions and are versatile, thus limiting the number of them in your closet but still allowing you to have the selection you need. I took into consideration the colors and styles of clothes that I usually wear which included a lot of neutrals and earthy colors, and then chose shoes that could be worn with those color schemes. I donated all pairs that only matched one or two outfits. Consolidation and versatility are so important to consider when choosing things to get rid of.
    • Tip: Don’t throw your clothes away (unless they’re trashed). Instead, donate your old things to your local thrift store! That way someone else can get some enjoyment out of your things. Pass on the love! 😊
  3. Books – I’m mostly speaking to my fellow compulsive book buyers. Books are definitely at the top of the short list of things I buy on a whim. I always buy more books than I can reasonably read between my work and school schedules so I always seem to own more books than I should. Books take up lots of shelf space and are heavy (a serious consideration if you’re moving, which I do regularly between school and home)! My suggestion is to go through your books and get rid of any that you’ve owned for six months and haven’t read, any that you always skip over when choosing a new read, or ones that you no longer find interesting or worth your time. Getting rid of books is satisfying too because you can see the visual progress by freeing up shelf space. Always a plus.

Obviously the list goes on, but these are the three that I always seem to accumulate. So. I challenge you to go to your closet or bookshelf and choose five things that you can get rid of today. If you can do more, go for it! I promise you’ll feel productive and freer than you did before.

Good luck! Let me know how it goes in the comments.



3 thoughts on “3 Things You Can Get Rid of Right Now”

  • Kayla you have such a beautiful way with words. You and your blog are an inspiration to me. While we are so similar there are also ways in which we are opposites and you bring much needed balance to my life with your friendship. I have struggled to get rid of things my whole life because what if I will needed it for a future project. While I don’t think my lifestyle will ever be considered minimal I can make it more simple, easier to find the craft supplies I truly use and the clothes I truly love wearing. I loved your suggestions I do have shoes and jewelry that I have kept but haven’t worn in years. Don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get rid of books though…..

  • I love your ideas for simplification. I am looking forward to following your blog
    and making simple changes in my life. I have been getting rid of things that don’t bring me joy recently.
    I have been surprised by how good it feels to let things go. You’re right, I do feel freer
    Thanks for the inspiration!

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