Bainbridge Island Day Trip

Bainbridge Island Day Trip

Dear friends,

It’s been a while since I’ve written any new blog posts! Sweetbriar Letters took a backseat last year while I was finishing college, but I finally graduated in December and I’m very excited about it!

In other news, because we’re coming to the end of winter, I wanted to write a post to help us look forward to the spring. I don’t mind colder weather and I think rain is very cozy, which is good since I live in Seattle. But I have to admit I’m pretty excited for nicer weather and the adventures that come with it.

The Trip

So I wanted to write about a day trip I took last summer to Bainbridge Island! (I talk about some of my thoughts on travel in “My Travel Bucket List.”) I went with my family at the end of the summer for my 24th birthday, and it was such a blast. This quick little trip was a great way to satisfy that itch to go somewhere new without having to travel too far. It’s a win-win!

When I say this trip was easy, I mean it. We got in the car and took a ferry (which I love and highly recommend) across the Puget Sound to Bainbridge.

The view from the park

We found a park and walked around. This is one of the easiest things to do on a day trip because

1) Parks are usually free.

2) They are usually pretty.

3) You get to be outside and get some fresh air.

4) Being outside is a good way to actually experience the place you’re visiting.

While waiting for a table for dinner at a restaurant we found a boardwalk called the Waterfront Trail along the water by a marina. Let me tell you, walking along the ocean and admiring boats is a great way to spend your time while you’re waiting for a table.

After we ate chowder by the water, we tried a new ice cream place which was *chef’s kiss.* Delicious. Highly recommend Mora Iced Creamery if you find yourself on Bainbridge Island someday.

This was such a simple little trip but it was the perfect way to see something new and have a change of scenery. Often we don’t realize we’re stuck in a rut until we get out of the rut and realize how good it feels. This post could just have easily gone in the Self Love section because travel is a good way to show your brain some love and help keep things new and fun.

I’m excited for spring to come and to start creating some fun new day trip experiences this year in better weather than we have now. Here’s to travel, future day trips, sunshine, and good ice cream!



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