7 Things That Make Me Happy

7 Things That Make Me Happy

Dear friends,

I’ve recently been musing about the weather. It’s been winter for a while, things are cold, the days are short, school and work are going strong, and it’s still a little early to be thinking about summer. Even though it’s the shortest month of the year, I think February is always a bit of a slog. I am ready for longer days and bluer skies.

Anyone else?

To combat this slow mid-winter trudge, I wanted to write a post about some things that make me happy. I am trying to be better about intentionally bringing happy things into my life.

Let this post be an invitation for you to do the same!

Without further ado, here are seven things that make me happy:

  • Books – I love reading books, buying books, smelling books (yes, you read that right), admiring books on my shelf, wandering around bookstores, you name it. I am a bookworm through and through. What’s better than taking a break from life by delving into a good book all cozy on the couch with a mug of hot chocolate? Nothing. Nothing is better than that.
These are a few of the many books on my reading list for this year. (I just bought This Side of Paradise after studying the 1920s in class and I’m very excited about it.)
  • Playing the violin – I love playing my violin but really all music counts. If you play an instrument, great! Play it! If not, then grab your phone and speaker and jam out to some tunes of your choice. Music is magic and that’s the truth.
  • Documentaries – Ok, call me a nerd but I love a good documentary because they combine relaxation and learning all in one! I particularly love history documentaries. European history is my favorite but I’m currently on an ancient Egypt kick right now. (Disney+ has some bomb documentaries on ancient Egypt… in case you were wondering.)
  • Fuzzy socks – They are fuzzy and warm and make you feel so cozy. And wearing fuzzy socks while watching a documentary? Now we’re talking!
A pair of my current favorites.
  • Journaling – Journaling is great for when you need to process, think, and unwind. I always feel lighter after journaling. It’s just something about getting it all out on paper, you know?
  • Sunsets – What’s not to love about pink and gold skies? Our world is just gorgeous.
  • Laughing – Laughing makes everyone happy. It’s a fact. Go call your closest or funniest friends and have a good laugh together. It’ll make you happier, I promise.

I could even add “making a list of things that make me happy” onto this list because I already feel better just writing these things out! You could go do something happy that is tried-and-true for you, or you could try something new from this list. But go do something happy to beat the blues!

There you go. Those are my musings for the day.



1 thought on “7 Things That Make Me Happy”

  • This list makes me happy too. I need to check out those Egypt documentaries on Disney Plus! I also want to get back to reading more now that life is less crazy.

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